Welsh Locums Connecting primary care locums and practices

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Please ensure it is clear when bidding for or offering work whether the consultations are phone triage then face to face, phone triage only, eConsults etc.

Current group members: 701

This site helps connect practices with locums looking for work. It supports the Welsh Locums group, which is a closed discussion group on Facebook where locums can meet to find work and discuss practice issues or CPD.

Click on 'Locums' or 'Practice Managers' for more information on how the group can be useful for you.

Locums who receive email updates for work, listed by healthboard
Aneurin Bevan - 495
Betsi Cadwaladr - 330
Cardiff and Vale - 520
Cwm Taf Morgannwg - 503
Hywel Dda - 376
Powys - 337
Swansea Bay - 427

Please email me if you are interested in sponsorship opportunities on the site.